Behind we are over here at LBM – I mean this already feels like ages ago. Snake Livehouse, punks galore, and six hours of nonstop bombast energy. Floors ridden with broken bottles, crowd surfing misfits, and camaraderie to the fullest degree, the first day of Punk It Spring was aces through and through, with a little help from hardcore street ragers Laisee, the WTF jazz riffing appeal of Zankou, the theatrically diverting Bastards of Imperialism, the always welcomed (and on fire) bombast of The Diders, the old school unity of Gum Bleed, as well as the breakneck hooliganism of Japanese legends Jet Boys and Wuhan celtic punk faves SMZB. Full house, indeed.
Surprised this song made it past the censors. Rad. Check the assortment of videos and pictures below (ed\’s note: this was hell to edit and put together due to a few audio mishaps, a computer which continues to eat away at my footage, and it being my first go around with my new camera – forgive the less than average quality)
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