One artist\’s journey back to her hometown, another\’s foray into the corporate world, and a sneak peek/listen at the upcoming debut from an ethnically infused metal outfit – it\’s time to kick back and have a looky look at the newest music videos, short films, and promos that have surfaced recently, including stuff from Yunggiema, Mr. Miss, and Virus Base.
Yunggiema has made some big strides since we interviewed her back in 2012 – national acclaim, record deals, and a baby to boot – the artist from the southeastern part of Tibet has done quite alright for herself. The Sacred Land of Lotus – a short film that treks the singer as she travels back to her hometown of Metok to perform and reconnect with her family and roots. A member of the Moinba minority people, Yunggiema retraces how she got to where she is and the influence her home had on her music. And more importantly, how she is preserving this unique culture with her music. Really beautiful stuff and a nice look into a rarely seen part of China.
Selling out in China is just one part of the making it in China. The negative condensations that have always gone with the idea of ‘selling out’ doesn’t hold as much merit for me anymore – which is why I don’t give a second thought to when I see someone sporting Adidas, Converse, or in this case, singing the glories of Oppo during a Color Run. In all honesty, if you’re gonna go corporate go all out and do it for a good cause, which I suppose this is. Mr. Miss is a band that does what they do well – a bit too sugar coated for my tastes but can’t deny the charm. But seriously, getting the crowd to chant ‘Oppo’ again and again is a bit frightening.
World fusion metal outfit Virus Base, out of Beijing, are riding the promotional gravy train in preparttion of their debut album. And what better way then an old school album preview, giving folks a taste of the frenetic beats and ‘industrial meets traditional’ grit. Love how nothing is every still in these things – I feel like there’s one company out there that does every single one of these previews for all the bands in town. Grab Playing The Ring this week on xiami and douban
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