Loneliness, romance, bittersweet memories – are even more relevant in society than ever before. This generation is probably the loneliest generation, everyone’s got some kind of social anxiety in some form or another and we love nothing more than to romanticize it. This is especially prominent in Asia, in big modern cities like Singapore, Tokyo, and Beijing due to rapid pace of everyday life in a fast, ever changing environment. Everyone’s lonely and wants to connect with someone but everyone’s awkward and shy, so we write sad introspective pop songs drenched in warm reverb and distortion as a replacement for emotional warmth. The summer of nostalgia is here – so cozy up and soak up the rays cooked up by these rockers.
孤独,浪漫,苦乐参半的回忆 – 在现代社会比以往任何时候都更有意义。这一代大概是最孤独的一代,每个人都怀有某种社会不安感,我们喜欢将这种感情浪漫化。由于快节奏的生活和日新月异的环境变化,这种情绪蔓延在亚洲,尤其是像新加坡,东京或是北京这样的大城市。每个人都感到寂寞,渴望同他人建立联系却害羞,所以我们写了些内敛而忧伤的流行歌曲,将它们融入温和的混响失真作为一种温存的代替,取代了你情感上的孤寂。夏日的怀旧在此——洋洋洒洒,晒晒日光浴,跟这些摇滚音乐人走起来吧!
The evening’s guest of honor is Trip Fuel, from Hefei – a band of young and eager musicians who have been stirring up some noise since their formation in 2017. With moments of jangly math rock and post rock intrigue, and a hefty dose of shoegaze introversion, the band’s single ‘“Let’s Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fuck It’ was featured on the Nerd Noise II compilation at the end of 2017. Their much-anticipated EP is due out later this year.
晚上的嘉宾是来自合肥的Trip Fuel——一群年轻而饥渴的音乐家,他们自2017年成立以来一直在尝试一些噪音音乐。随着数学摇滚,后摇和自赏的崛起,乐队的单曲’Let’s catch the Sun Within 44 Beats And Fuck It’在2017年末的Nerd Noise II汇编中亮相。他们备受期待的EP将于今年晚些时候发行。
Also on the bill – rising Beijing instrumental rockers She Never Sings Our Songs –who provide nurturing instrumental rock and roll with shades of math rock playfulness, dream pop pulp, and post rock crescendos that’s spirited, intricately assembled, and brimming with life. Guitars converse with one another, cymbals shimmer with exuberance, and a dialogue is formed between each of the members, volleying back and forth until blurring into mesmerizing blanket of sound.
来自北京的 She Never Sings Our Songs 同样在这场演出名单里。在他们营造的器乐摇滚氛围里,你既能找到数字摇滚的影子,亦有梦幻流行的悦耳,更有类似于后摇般高亢、复杂、蓬勃的旋律。迷人的音符下,乐器们轻声交谈,乐手进行一场无声的对话,交汇与融合,直到它们深深地印刻在你的脑海里。
Another band that’s been turning heads for the past couple years has been Last Goodbye – the neo-psychedelic shoegaze outfit that has been keeping listeners enthralled with their glassy dream pop laced world and cathartic buildups. They have opened up for numerous international groups such as Flying Colours, Splashh and so on – and in many folks view are on the brink of breakthrough success.
Last Goodbye ——裹着自赏外衣的新迷幻乐队,早已吸引了无数听众成为他们忠诚的追随者,这也奠定了他们在圈内的领先地位。人们沉浸在 Last Goodbye 创造的如玻璃般闪光而易碎的世界中,就像Flying Colours, Splashh 等大牌乐队做到过的一样,人们一致认为 Last Goodbye 的成功只是时间的问题。
Last but not least, Acid Accident, the instrumental rock trio, has quietly become the talk of the town over the past year, bringing together a range of influences to create an ambient, post-rock sound experience that’s volatile and impressionist.
乐队 Bands:
Trip Fuel (Hefei shoegaze/post rock/math rock)
SNSOS (post rock/instrumental)
Last Goodbye (shoegaze/neo psychedelic)
Acid Accident (post rock/instrumental)
Trip Fuel (Hefei shoegaze/post rock/math rock)
Formed in the spring of 2017, Trip Fuel, made up of several music lovering college kids out of Wuhu in Anhui Province, is the latest band to wrangle the reverb-drenched sound that has captivated China. With shades of math rock twists and a hefty dose of post rock intrigue, the band whose single ‘“Let’s Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fuck It’ was featured on the Nerd Noise II compilation at the end of 2017. Since then, the band has opened for various bands including Colin Phils and Return to Delicate Time, and have been working on their debut EP.
Trip Fuel最初由几位热爱音乐的大学生们组建于安徽芜湖,2017年三月歪打正着在合肥邂逅郁郁不得志的中年男子陈经理,几经磨合剩四位成员至今。目前因心中依旧熊熊澎湃的热血,每周横跨两地相聚一次。这个来自中部工业城市的乐队仿佛自带失真,配合细密的小间拍,段落间充满粗糙与细腻结合的矛盾的颗粒感与企图冲破压抑的情绪。2017年底,其单曲《Let’s Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fuck It》被收录于草台回声全球全网数位发行的首张【青年噪音计划】Math-Rock(数学摇滚)《Nerd Noise Ⅱ》合辑,2017年至今为Inspritative、Colin Phlis、丢莱卡、重返袖珍时光等当任过开场嘉宾。目前首张Ep已进入混音阶段。
SNSOS (post rock/instrumental)
2013年,当She Never Sings Our Songs 成立的时候,就带着反抗和矛盾。正如乐队名一样,疑惑里透着屈闷,既简单又复杂。从最开始捣毁演出器材的混沌少年,变成为大象体操、tfvsjs、Chinese football等乐队做暖场嘉宾的“北京暖场王”。我们在践行“坚持不自信也是一种自信”的过程中,享受到了无比的快乐并且收获良多。在2017年12月22日,我们发行了第一张同名专辑。专辑内共收录了乐队成立以来的十首作品。这些作品横跨了每个成员在不同时期对音乐的理解,也融入了我们对爵士、电子、噪音、实验等不同风格的喜爱和探索,并希望能尝试表达出各种各样的可能性。
Beijing outfit She Never Sings Our Songs (SNSOS) unveiled their debut self-titled LP at the end of the year and it’s a warm slice of post rock pie that’ll have genre fans clamoring for more. It’s a great display for the band’s sound – nurturing instrumental rock and roll with shades of math rock playfulness, dream pop pulp, and post rock crescendos that’s spirited, intricately assembled, and brimming with life. Guitars converse with one another, cymbals shimmer with exuberance, and a dialogue is formed between each of the members, volleying back and forth until blurring into mesmerizing blanket of sound.
Last Goodbye (shoegaze/neo psychedelic)
如果你不知道这种感觉,我们建议你去听听Last Goodbye。伤感的气氛中,藏着年轻、浪漫和不成熟,这正是这支乐队的魅力所在。如果你喜欢shoegaze,post punk,indie rock,并且经常会泛起一种难以描述的怀旧感觉,那这个乐队对你来说太完美了!
Sentimental atmosphere deep and melancholic, but still young, romantic and immature is the charm of the sound of this band. If you like postpunk, indie rock and constantly feel that nostalgic feeling of something you do not even know very well what it is, this band is perfect for you.
Acid Accident (post rock/instrumental)
Formed in 2016, Acid Accident is an instrumental trio bringing together a range of influences to create an ambient, post-rock sound experience.
活动详情 Event Info:
时间/Time: 2018年6月30日21:00
门票/Ticket: 60(ADV)/80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com
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